The 4th of July is already a memory, but what an extraordinary memory it is.
From the Pancake Breakfast, to the Parade, to the Hot Dogs, and finally the Beer Tent and incredible fireworks show, it was a smashing success. I am so proud to be the Commodore of a membership that continues to step up and get the job done with such style and grace.
There is no way I can name all of you who participated without forgetting someone, so to all the Chairmen, Volunteers and Board Members who gave it your all a huge THANK YOU.
As we move on from July 4th we have many events and cruises planned. In addition to the fun events we have planned, there is an important motion that is going to be made at the next General Meeting. This motion was sent our to all of you in an email on July 9th. The motion is to introduce a new membership category specifically designed for young people between the ages of 13 -20 to be known as Junior Members.
This is an idea that was set in motion during the development of the Strategic Plan in 2019. Unfortunately, the Pandemic and other issues, took priority, until now. I feel like this is a perfect time to implement a Junior Membership into the Club. We have grown over the past two years, and many of our members are younger and enthusiastic about sailing and power boating. Our financial health is excellent, and inviting a younger, youth membership will continue to add vitality to the membership with little drain on finances or people.
The addition of Junior Members between the ages of 13 and 20 will not interfere with or inhibit our events or activities within the Club. In fact, the opposite is true. Junior Members will be a resource for the adult members, and also give adult members an opportunity to guide and teach skills to these future adult members. The Junior Members will only have use of the Clubhouse during designated times, and of course will not be allowed to participate in events that would constitute a violation of Washington State liquor laws. The email you received should answer all of your questions, but feel free to text or call me to discuss before the next General Meeting.
Other important Club business for all of you to be mindful of is the nominating committee, which has met and is putting together a slate of officers for next years Board. This is the time to consider what you may be able to contribute to KCYC. Please let the members of the nominating committee know if you are interested in serving.
So let the fun continue into as we battle the hot summer days, and I mean that, it is very warm for the Pacific Northwest even for this former Hawaii Resident. Keep cool, come down to the club on Friday nights and enjoy a cold beer or beverage, and sit on the deck where there is usually a breeze. I WILL SEE YOU THERE! A HUI HOU!