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Kingston Cove Yacht Club
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 81
Kingston, WA 98346-0081
KCYC is a 501C7 - Social Organization
Club Address
25815 Washington Blvd NE
Kingston, WA 98346
HomeKCYC Reciprocal Moorage Details



The Kingston Cove Yacht Club (KCYC) extends reciprocal moorage privileges to members of bona-fide yacht clubs with whom it has a reciprocal relation. Please make sure your club has obtained a reciprocal agreement from KCYC if you expect reciprocal moorage.


Two reciprocal slips are available on a first come first served basis by contacting the Port of Kingston (360-297-3545) when you arrive at the Port. The reciprocal slips are available to members of bona fide yacht clubs that have an established reciprocal relation with the Kingston Cove Yacht Club throughout the year.
  • All reciprocal boaters must contact the Port of Kingston and request reciprocal moorage. If available, the Port will assign you to a reciprocal slip (slips will vary dependent on boat size and availability). Current membership card from their yacht club must be shown to Port personnel.
  • All boaters must complete a registration envelope located in Port Office.
  • There is a $5.00 per day dock charge for all boats, all days, and an additional $5.00 per day for electrical. The second and third day's moorage is charged at $5/day plus 50¢ per foot and $5 per day for electrical, for a maximum of three consecutive nights.
  • Each boater will be limited to two visits in an eight week period.
  • Personal checks are authorized and should be made payable to: Kingston Cove Yacht Club
  • All boaters must fly their reciprocal home club burgee during their stay.
  • All reciprocal boaters are subject to the Port of Kingston rules & regulations regarding guest dock visitors.

If your timing is right, we invite you up to our clubhouse to say hello. We are located adjacent to the marina and open on Friday evenings from 6 to 9 for Happy Hour.

Good Cruising!

Neil Parker

Reciprocal Chairman