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Kingston Cove Yacht Club
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 81
Kingston, WA 98346-0081
KCYC is a 501C7 - Social Organization
Club Address
25815 Washington Blvd NE
Kingston, WA 98346
HomeCommodore's Message 2024
Kingston Cove Yacht Club (“KCYC”) strives to be “The Best Little Yacht Club in Washington”, on Apple Tree Cove in Kingston, WA in the Port of Kingston. Our Club  is a WA State nonprofit organization and dedicates itself to the promotion of safe, enjoyable boating and social activities through education and exchange of information, by assisting each other and our local community.

Our collective boating activities include a robust cruise schedule to various Salish Sea ports of call led by our Fleet Captain and Cruise Committee. Destinations range from Anacortes to Olympia in 2025. Our Boater Safety Committee organizes several informational programs including an annual Boater Education Day with guest presenters on current topics.

KCYC’s clubhouse facility with a commercial kitchen and licensed full-service bar supports numerous social activities throughout the year. This includes monthly membership meetings, Friday evening socials, and special events.   

Our Community Engagement committee keeps us in touch with opportunities to support our local community. Not being a charitable organization, our community service is driven with member volunteers supporting local activities.  Many of our members elect to make individual financial contributions to several local worthy causes.

Our members benefit from several amenities. Some highlights include but not limited to:
Organized group boating expeditions,
Increased boating knowledge,
Social engagement making new friendships,
Organized group, land yacht (RV) expeditions, 
Collectively support our community activities,
Reciprocal privileges with other area yacht clubs including:
o Temporary vessel moorage at many Salish Sea marinas, and
o Access to other yacht club facilities, and
Collective meals, events, and beverages at reasonable cost.

We are open to new members. Stop in our clubhouse on a Friday evening from 5:00-9:00 PM as our guest, meeting some of our members and learning more.  Membership is by application with more details found at Steps to Join!.

Fair winds and following seas.

Chuck Turner, Commodore

Commodore Chuck Turner 2024-25