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Kingston Cove Yacht Club
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 81
Kingston, WA 98346-0081
KCYC is a 501C7 - Social Organization
Club Address
25815 Washington Blvd NE
Kingston, WA 98346
HomeBosun's Pipe, June 2024


Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Birthdays / Anniversaries

Commodore 2023-24 Rita Osborn

Summer is almost here, and the calendar is filling up with many events and activities for every club member. So now is the time to volunteer and get involved.

In addition to all the fun, there is a more serious need to bring to your attention. Art Hammon, our immediate Past Commodore, and I have gotten together to ask several members to be on the nominating committee, pursuit to the By-Laws of the Club. Under Art’s chairmanship there are several members who have agreed to serve on this committee. This is a very important job, and will shape the future of the Club. Please read more about the committee and their job in the section where they are listed. It is an important job, serving on the Board of Trustees, so if you wish to put your name in nomination, or are called to be nominated, please give it careful consideration.

So on to the calendar of events, which start with the Port Hudson Cruise, then the Pub Crawl, Fishing Class, the 4th of July pre party, grilling and chilling, and rounding out the month with the Boat America Course.

Start the month of July off with the 4th Pancake Breakfast and all the events of the day including the Beer Tent at the Park. This is the biggest fund raiser of the year for the Club and we need volunteers to make it a success. It is really fun, lots of work, but rewarding and important to the ongoing financial health of KCYC.

We still need a couple of chairman to replace some that wish to step down. The chairman for Reciprocal Clubs is Dave Lucas, so talk to Dave who will fill you in if you are interested. Also, Walter is looking for a RV Coordinator.

See you all at the next General Meeting, which is family night. Aloha




June 2024 —Clubhouse Improvements Progress

Recently Completed

  • Deck hanging flower baskets. Thank you Vivi Ann Parnell for planting the baskets and Ken Dalgleish for setting up the watering system.
  • New US Flag on the flagpole. The previous was beginning to tatter getting faded.
  • New mop head for use on kitchen, bar & bathroom floors.
  • May was full of club activities with little activity on improvements

Next Up

  • Ceiling mounted acoustic panels. Thank you to the members sharing their ideas for this project. Many options and expenses to be carefully considered and approved by the membership.
  • New window coverings.

On the List

  • Add additional food counter electrical outlets.
  • Build out a soffit above the food counter replacing the curtain.
  • Addition of a bar glassware sanitizing machine.
  • You may have noticed that we are down one deck table. Consensus was not to replace leaving more room to congregate.

Notice something that could use fixing or improved?  Drop me an e-mail at Please describe the item and the best way to reach you so I may get more information if needed.  Also very grateful for Todd Lachelt removing the recycling/garbage and Ina Butterly laundering the kitchen towels on a regular basis.

Clubhouse Rentals—Thank you, Colleen Carey, for continuing to coordinate our increasing rental activity.

  • May had two rentals: Wiser celebration of life - May 4th, and Hidden Cove Yacht Club - May 18th.
  • June has six scheduled: Michael Ford’s father’s celebration of life - June 2nd; Shilshole Bay YC - June 8th; Puget Sound Kidney Center - June 12th; Brennan Jacobsen - June 15th; Town & County Markets - June 20th; and Bryan Jones’ father’s celebration of life – June 23rd.

The glassware sanitizer project is well underway, with the crack team of Mike Reed, Ken Dalgleish, Mike Wilson and Kit Butterly leading the charge. A very generous donation from Lori Barrett in memory of her dear Jeff has been gratefully accepted. Look for completion before Labor Day!

The Bar Booster program has given credit of $700 to cardholders. If you would like to join the program, simply ask Darcy or me for a card so that we can keep track of your drink purchases. For every 10 drinks, you receive a $7 credit to your KCYC account. For participants, you may have noticed this credit when you pay to register for events. The program is in operation on Friday nights at the club.

Calling all volunteers! It’s crunch time to get the Beer/Spirits tent fully staffed for the 4th of July. So far coverage looks good for set-up from 10-noon.  The shifts from 1-3pm and 3-5pm are filled as well.  The 7-9pm shift is pretty spotty (need 2 cashiers, and 1 server). It would be a shame to have to shut down at 7pm, which will be the case unless more people can find time in their busy holiday to help out. We could also use a couple of able bodies to help from 9-10 pm with table & chair storage and cleaning up the bar area and moving leftover supplies
back up to the clubhouse. Thanks in advance to the 28 of you who have already volunteered for the big day! We’re getting there!

Last but not least, many thanks to Karl Compton and an Erickson for helping behind the bar at the general meetings.

Yes folks, April showers bring May flowers and May flowers bring June ... well, allergens, KCYC deck parties, and the foreshadowing of July. The May allergen, in this case is a fall-off of dues income for the month compared to plan (although we are still ahead for the year). The KCYC deck has begun its summer of hosting and helping bar income to hit 30% above the year-to-date plan, and overall KCYC net income 4 times the year-to-date plan. The foreshadowing of July, which is only one day of beer tent on the 4th this year, is, well, up in the air. Like if the air is hot and sunny or cold and rainy. While July is 8% of the year, it accounts for nearly 20% of KCYC revenue. Let's hope the weather is perfect, and we have hordes of volunteers.


May was a very busy month for KCYC boaters with cruises to Seattle for SYC Opening Day, Kingston Cove Opening Day and the long cruise to Alderbrook Resort. Twelve boats made the trip to Alderbrook Resort and it did not disappoint. Great restaurants, a pizza party, live entertainment, golf outing, a dock BBQ and dinghy trip to Hook and Fork in Union kept the group busy all weekend long. We had a number of members express interest in making this a regular cruise destination.

We had about 15 members attend the Victoria, San Juan Islands and Northern Waters planning symposium June 1st. Nancy Langwith presented valuable information regarding weather, strait transits and hazards around the San Juan Islands as well as procedures for clearing customs in Canada that will prove invaluable for those planning their cruise to Victoria in August.

Point Hudson Marina and RV Park is the next cruise on the schedule with 16 boats and 15 RVs making the trip for the weekend. Larisa Hauser and Jim Diianni are the Cruise Captains for this cruise and they have been busy planning fun activities for the weekend.

Thursday, June 27th Mike Reed is hosting a Fishing Class at the club. He will teach you techniques for catching salmon and how to build salmon rigs. After classroom instruction we will head out on the water to try out the rigs you build in class. Signup soon so we can get a gauge on how many boats we will need for the on-the-water portion of the class.

The Gig Harbor cruise in July is locked in with at least 11 boats attending. Greg Wright is working on an agenda for the cruise but for sure it will be fun!

There will be a day cruise to the Mariners Game Wednesday, July 24th. You have a free ride on a boat to and from the game, you just need to buy tickets. Or, if you want to just spend the day in Seattle, sign up for a ride. Karen Fernandez and Simona Dedek are planning to shop around Pike Place Market and Nordstrom while the rest of us go to the game. Simon said she would buy a pair of summer sandals to whoever would like to join them! Ok? OK!

The Victoria BC cruise is firming up and those boaters who are going, if you have not already sent me a copy of your confirmation from the GVHA please do so soonest. I will be sending a final list of requested slip space to the marina by July 12th.

See you in Port Townsend!

  • As part of boater safety, you can request a Vessel Safety Check through the CG Auxiliary. The safety checks are complimentary and the intent is to ensure that boats meet the federal and state requirements for safety equipment. Contact Jim DiIanni,, 425.466.0483.
  • There will be one-hour boater safety session on Saturday during the Point Hudson cruise. The emphasis will focus on Man Overboard (MOB) procedures.
  • June 29th – There is a Boat America course being conducted by Coast Guard Auxiliary at the KCYC Clubhouse. Anyone who operates a boat and was born after January 1, 1995 is required by the state to have a boater card. Contact Gene Fusch,, 206.718.5944.



Welcome to the Port Watch, our monthly article highlighting issues and activities at the Port.

I don’t know about you, but I spend a lot of time cleaning and maintaining my boat. Besides the need to keep her in good shape, I always thought that it was a “policy” or rule that the POK had regarding the general upkeep of all vessels in the marina.

It’s a safety issue for one, or maybe a fire hazard, or a risk of an environmental accident, just to name a few of the reasons it’s important. So, I dug into the rules and policies the Port has regarding vessel maintenance and condition. Here’s the short list: boat moored may not present a tripping hazard (lines and power cords); all boats must have their zincs maintained; all boats are required to meet Coast Guard safety requirements; and all boats must be able to move under their own power. Here’s the catch—Proof of compliance.  If requested, it must be provided within the timeframe set forth in the policy. Guess what, there is no timeframe in the policy. I think it’s time for the Port to review the dozens of boats that haven’t moved in years, and are clearly not maintained to the policies as set forth.

Questions or comments: Jack Lott,, 360-340-4040



The May RBAW newsletter has many interesting articles. If you are interested, you can go to the website, and read all the articles. Click here: RBAW May Newsletter.  Below are just some highlights from this month's edition.

  • RBAW has launched a FREE Mobile Pumpout service for weekends and holidays this summer in the following West Sound locations. We will be utilizing NW Mobile Pumpout to provide this service to all recreational boaters. To schedule a free mobile pumpout go to:
    - Liberty Bay in Poulsbo
    - Port of Poulsbo guest dock
    - Blake Island Marine Park (dock, mooring balls and anchorage)
    - Illahee State Park anchorage
    - Fort Ward State Park anchorage
  • National Safe Boating Week:  May 18-24, 2024—Join us in sharing daily boating safety tips throughout the week on social media. In many areas, the water is open! It’s now more important than ever to share about boating safety within our communities.  Following Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day is National Safe Boating Week from May 18-24, 2024. This is a great opportunity to continue the momentum from Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day by sharing favorite boating memories and safety tips on social media.
  • Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day is Friday, May 17, 2024. Let’s flood social media with life jacket images and boating safety tips. We love boating – let’s share it with others. It’s easy to participate. Wear your life jacket at work (or at home), snap a picture and share on social media with the hashtag #wearyourlifejacketatworkday. Be sure to tag us too! (@BoatingCampaign on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram)  Hint, there may be prizes awarded throughout the day from the Safe Boating Campaign for the most creative photos!


June  2024

  • The Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 18th at 6pm.
  • The General Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 20th at 6pm. This is Family Fun Night and the club will be providing barbeque burgers and hotdogs so there is no need to bring food.  You are encouraged to bring your friends and family for an evening on the deck.  A short general meeting will follow the meal.

Stop by the Club
on Friday Evenings!

Now open at 5pm.

Our members are always welcome to just come in for a drink and to catch up with friends on Friday evenings.  You are not required to participate in the meal being served. Guests of members are also welcome, however they must be signed in by their host member.

When food is provided, reserve a spot if available (depending on what is being served) so that our hosts can plan the correct amount of food and avoid food loss costs to the club.

Helen Meredith Award Winner

Sally Heacock

Sally Heacock, this year's recipient of the Helen Meredith award, is an example of stepping up in the community when needed.  Please read the testimony from her friend Susan Rodgers.

Sally Potts Heacock came to the US from the Isle of Man to do continuing education at the college level. It was an exchange opportunity. She has a degree in liberal arts.  An avid reader but she studied the classics.

While there is more to tell of her life from college near the Idaho border, to work as a nanny for a successful realtor, she soon landed in Seattle. She began working for a large realestate appraisal firm. This eventuality opened the door to her passion and career as a stager for Realestate. Of course this is the period of life when she met and married her husband Steve.

I have known Sally for almost 30 years. We both landed in Kingston in the mid 90’s. While her successful career kept her busy, she was constantly on the road (or ferry) since the main thrust of her clients are on the east side of Puget Sound.   As we all do, being busy, but finally taking a moment to assess where we are and what is missing. I remember her comments to me many years ago of not ‘feeling connected’ to Kingston.

It is that acknowledgement that led her to get involved. I think a major part of this story is about the importance of volunteerism. While we all get busy with life, we all do not DO anything about getting involved in our communities. Sally turned talk into action. Sally was invited to join the board of the Kingston Public Market in the fall of 2022. Her main objective was to coordinate “events”, her skills as an organizer and an idea person are perfect for this. The market was in process of ok reinvention and the big picture was to get back to a thriving, financially successful, corner piece of downtown Kingston. Now on Sundays!

During her first year many changes in the makeup of the board occurred. Sally and Shannon Castillo became co chairs and worked tirelessly together. Change brings opportunity. The market opened in ‘23 with a big picture of fulfilling needs and wants. The board members are all volunteer. As a team co-chair, Sally was involved with business structure and legalities she never imagined nor would have thought she could manage. It was not unusual to spend 30 plus hours on work for this Market behind the scenes as well as every Sunday at the Market. Then the unthinkable happened, we lost Shannon on April 15th.

Many “volunteers” would give up at that point. Go back to their careers and families and call it ’good enough’. Who would blame them? Sally did not. She dug in and kept pulling the Market forward, met obstacles head on and figured a way to confront them and solve issues in a fair and legal way. All of the things she has done were out of her comfort zone of event planning. But what she has now is the structure of a community market that can continue to grow and succeed. I believe it will be her legacy to Kingston for years to come.

We all talk about getting involved but Sally put her whole life on hold to do so. I think she would say she “feels connected” now!I applaud her success and am thrilled to have a sparkling market to showcase the best of a very small community. That is the big picture. But Sally has many more ideas to implement which will morph into an even bigger celebration every Sunday from May through October!

Nominating Committee

Art Hammon, Chair
Cheryl Callais
Ken Dalgleish
Kim Francisco-Clark
Robin Lott
Kim Page

Interested in a Board Leadership Position?

Club leadership is critical to our ability to continue to thrive and grow…and to have fun! What better way to contribute your skills! 

We need all of you to help us identify our next set of leaders. You are invited to step up and volunteer for a leadership position if you feel ready. And you can provide names of others that you think would be a good fit. Please pass your own name or another to a member of the Nominating Committee for consideration. 

The Nominating Committee will contact each nominated person to offer information concerning the role and the expectations via discussions and the job descriptions. 

If you have questions or would like more information, contact any member of the Nominating Committee.

The club bylaws specify the steps the Nominating Committee must follow and the timing for each step.  The process is outlined below.

  • June - The Nominating Committee is formed by the Commodore (or delegate) and is chaired by immediate Past Commodore.   This committee consists of four or five members representing a cross section of the Club, including one or two Past Commodores, and at least one boating member and one social member.
  • July & August - A call for candidates for open positions and a list of committee members shall be published in the July & August Bosun’s Pipe. Members of the Committee shall not be eligible for any open position.
    • Flag Officers:  The committee will confirm with the Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, and Fleet captain willingness to accept nomination to the next Flag officer rank in succession and place them in nomination for the next term. In the event a flag officer succession cannot be implemented, nominations will be made for those positions.
    • Trustees: The Committee shall nominate at least one (1) voting member to the elective positions of First Year Trustee (two-year position), Secretary, and Treasurer.
  • September Annual Meeting – Officers and Trustees Elections
    The list of candidates shall be reported in the September issue of the Bosun’s Pipe, at least ten (10) days prior to the election of officers.  Nominations can also be made from the floor at the Sept Annual Meeting.


Big shoutout to our hosts on May 18th when KCYC entertained the Hidden Harbor Yacht Club. Thank you Christa, Mark and Rob, and all the volunteers; Sandi for coordinating with the visitors; and I know I spied Joseph and Ken on the grill duty who were not even signed up! That’s how we do it, KCYC family! Fun times were had—hamburgers, and all the works and a fun game of Nauti-Trivia with the Hidden Harbor Yacht Club. The table with David was the winner of the trivia game. Thank you Hidden Harbor Yacht Club. Looking forward to your next visit to Kingston!

On June 7, we had a great "Leftovers Night"....the weather was perfect and the food was great! There was  enough pulled pork from Alderbrook (thank you Kim Page) to feed the crowd, and Lynn Colton surprised everyone with a homemade berry cobbler. The night air was great and the deck was full.

Finally, I want to thank Rita and the Board for awarding me the Lona McFarlane Service Award.  The recognition and appreciation means a lot.  It was a complete shock!  Onwards, my friends! Your resident chihuahua has had her annoying ways validated, and is coming for you to volunteer! Yip yip yip

As always, weare constantly looking for members to host our friday night social events.  If you haven't hosted before, we'll make sure you work with a member who has done it before.  Send me an email or text and I'll walk you through it.
Simona Dedek, Social Coordinator,, 818-434-8091
Upcoming Events

Friday, June 28th
Grillin' and Chillin'
Click here to sign up.

Saturday, June 22nd
Aloha Pub Crawl
Click here to sign up.

Thursday, July 4
Kingston 4th of July
Click here for a complete schedule of all events.


July 12th is our night to put on the Kingston Cares Community Dinner. We need volunteers to help cook, distribute and clean up! It's only a couple of hours that evening and we'll be done in plenty of time to get back to KCYC for our Friday night socializing. Let me know or watch your email so we can show up with the best of our rival Kingston based organizations.

The Fourth of July is coming! Kirsten Jewell is working on the breakfast; Shelley is overseeing the beer tent; Joseph Charnes is doing the hot dogs again this year; and it's going to be the best year yet! We need volunteers for all of these events so pick the one that appeals and give a couple of hours of your time back to Kingston if you can spare it. These events mean income for our club, but the fun that comes out is well worth it! If you're looking to get invovled in something beyond just drinking at the club, we would love to consider your application to our committee. Our standards are high, but you might as well try.

KCYC is holding a Summer Food Drive for Sharenet 

Why Summer?  Because Sharenet is inundated with donations during the winter holiday period but often are short of food in the summer. Food insecurity does not lessen with warmer weather and additionally children do not have access to school meals through the summer.

Look for the donation box in the Club House starting this Friday. We will deliver donations after July 4th.
What types of food do they want you ask?".  Generally, non-perishable items....... Examples are: Spaghetti Sauce, Canned Tuna, Canned Chilli, Canned meats, Canned Fruit and Vegetables, Soup, Mashed potatoes, Rice/Pasta, Hamburger Helper, Peanut Butter, Jelly, and Bar Soap.

Also, some folks have asked about making tax deductible monetary donations. The easiest way to do this is to write a check directly to Sharenet. You will receive a letter at year end from Sharenet stating the amount you contributed for tax purposes. (if you want to write "KCYC Food Drive" in the memo line Sharenet folks will total up KCYC donations. Individual contributions will remain anonymous.
July 4th Parade
Join KCYC to decorate our float and march along in the Kingston July 4th parade.  This year's theme is: "Kingston: It's a blast". Many thanks to David and Loretta Jones for volunteering to drive their truck and boat to represent KCYC. The Community Engagement Committee has decided to use the "Love Boat" as our theme with supporting marchers dressed in 80's cruise wear. Marchers will be handing out Tootsie Roll Pops to the spectators and Jeff Kutz has volunteered to wear the hotdog hat to advertise the free hotdog give away to children after the parade.

Ideas to decorate the boat are welcomed. We'll meet in our assigned staging area at 10am before the parade to have the boat decorated and ready for the noon parade start. It's a great opportunity to get to know other members! Please use this link to sign up for volunteering and receive emails with final details.  Kingston July 4th KCYC Parade Float - 7/4/2024 


Michelle Gitchel has applied for membership in KCYC.  Her husband John joined last year.   Michelle was born and raised in beautiful southern California near the water and has always loved the ocean. She met and married John in San Diego and came to Washington in 2010 when John was stationed at TRF Bangor. She dearly loves her three children, Michael, Patrick, and Devon, and has enjoyed raising them amongst the beautiful scenery here.

Michelle has attended many events with the club such as the Everett cruise last year and the Commodore's Ball and has enjoyed getting to know many of the club members. She looks forward to making new friends and volunteering to assist with club events.


  • Membership cards are available for pick up at the club. If you have not picked up your card, please do so at your earliest convenience. A Greeter from the Membership Engagement Committee will be at the club on Friday evenings to assist. If you are bringing a guest or prospective member to the club on Friday evening socials, the Greeter can assist with information about the club, membership forms
    and introductions to club members.
  • Aloha! Dig out your best and most outrageous Hawaiian Tourist outfit and get ready for the Great Aloha Pub Crawl in Kingston on Saturday, June 22nd. The fun starts at the clubhouse at 2 pm. Don't be late as we'll be passing out the map and instruc6ons for the afternoon of fun. Visits have been arranged at 4 restaurants to eat, drink, and play games with your friends. There will be a Best Costume contest and other fun games where you can win fabulous prizes. Thank you to Julie Turner and Rick Eveleth for organizing the fun!
  • The Membership Engagement Committee will be taking on the Sunshine and Cloud Card program. Lorie Bischoff has kindly volunteered to coordinate this effort. Please send no6fica6ons regarding who might need encouragement, congratula6ons, or sympathy to Lorie Bischoff at
  • The Community Engagement Committee is hosting the Kingston Community Dinner on Friday, July 12 at Village Green Community Center, 5-6:30 pm. We would like to extend an invita6on to KCYC club members to volunteer to help with this event. We will need volunteers to help cook the meal, serve the meal and clean up the community center aPer the meal. Look for a chance to register on the KCYC website.


How to Look up Member(s) & Save Contact to Address Book
Members can locate and contact other members by using the online member directory.


2024 Kingston Opening Day Activities

KOD Parade May 2024
KOD Dinghy Races May 2024
Kingston Opening Day Boating 2024

Memorial Weekend Cruise to Alderbrook

Alderbrook Cruise 2024


New shirts and women's tank tops have been ordered
and will be here before the 4th so come in and check them out.

There are three ways to order:

  1. Select items from the Ship's Store case at the club and purchase from a representative.
  2. Select items from the Ship's Store webpage by clicking here: Ships Store
  3. Send an email to the KCYC Ship's Store team: KCYC Ship's Store
Any cruise leaders who want to order special t-shirts, hats, or other items, should contact Laurie or Dawn. We can work with you to find a cost effective producer for any items.  Also, if anyone has a special request for shirts, jackets, etc. please contact us for orders.

Laurie Gunn & Dawn Wiser, Ship's Store


We have a new person in charge of Sunshine and Clouds, Lorie Bischoff.  If you know of member who has amazing news to share, please let us know so we can all celebrate.  If you know that a member is struggling with health issues or has recently lost a family member, please send an email so we can send a card to them to help brighten their day. Contact: Lorie Bischoff at

Some Clouds This Month ......

  • Sandy Powell broke her arm at Alderbrook but is healing well.
  • Nancy Hanson broke her ankle and is recovering.
  • Ed and Karen Fernandez just lost Karen ‘s father, William Strickland.  He died in Overland Park, MO.
  • Gloria Young's mom passed away. Please send your condolences.

With a little sunshine.

  • Beth Layton's grandson Peter Harris Layton was born on Monday, May 27th in California, weighin in at 7 lbs.
  • Karen Fernandez just got her RN degree from Olympic College. We are so proud of her; she’s a rockstar


Social Media
If you have ideas for content, or photos that you think the community would be interested in seeing, please send them to me, so we can keep the momentum going! Email me at or text or call me 818-434-8091. If you have ideas for content, or photos that you think the community would be interested in seeing, please send them to me, so we can keep the momentum going! Email me at or text or call me 818-434-8091.

Please Visit the KCYC Facebook Pages!

We all should know that KCYC has a public facebook page, Kingston Cove Yacht Club. Did you know that we also have a "members only" page? To use it, you must send us a request to join so we are certain that it remains a valuable resource for KCYC members.  Members can use the page to post topics and communicate with other members on whatever topics they choose.

To request to join the page, please click the link below.


Go to KCYC Members Facebook page