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Pleasant Harbor Marina Resort
Tentative reservation 15 slips on K Dock
Pleasant Harbor Marina Resort
Tentative reservation 15 slips on K Dock
David and Lynn Follette
360-621-8184 or 360-621-7805
son is Russell Follette, 360-621-7566
daughter in law is Erin 360-621-1399
Rental Fee is $600, Cleaning Deposit is $200
50th Anniversary
Sent appl. via email 3/5/24.
Rec‘d appl. and one check for $800 (#1760). We will need to write a $200 deposit refund check after the event. Chuck deposited the check. (CLC)
Sent FUF619438 via email to David, Lynn, Russell and Erin 8/12/24. (CLC)
Come and paint your own masterpiece! Details TBD
Holly van Weezendonk 425-345-6541
Twins bday party 5-10pm $475 plus cleaning deposit of $200
Chuck deposited rental fee check of $475
Left cleaning deposit fee check of $200 in his folder to be deposited on 6-11-24.
WE WILL NEED TO REFUND THIS AFTER THE EVENT. It was dated 2/28/24 so we couldn‘t hold it.
Appl. rec‘d
Holly viewed venue 5/4/24 with Chuck
Sent FUF4051 via email 9/7/24. (CLC)
There will be a pot luck followed by the business meeting.
Tolly craft in town! Invited to Friday night by Art Hammon.
Meet and mingle
Come on down for a Western Dinner & Whiskey Tasting.